Detoxification of the addict's body

Detoxification - Treatment of addictive disorders

Detoxification is the first step in the long-term treatment of addiction

Detoxification is the first step in the treatment of opioid addiction and is a very
important procedure in preventing recurrence due to physical crises. Detoxification
procedures include pharmacotherapy to support the creation of long-term
abstinence from illicit opioid use. Method of detoxification helps the addict, i.e. the
body, to get rid of opioids in a faster and painless way.

Treatment of opioid addicts by switching to substitution therapy with methadone,
subotex, buprenorphine has its drawbacks. It prolongs the treatment, and on the
other hand, they include the consumption of opioids, which increases the probability
of relapse and will not have a lasting result in the treatment.

The length of detoxification depends on the type of substance and the amount that the addict used to take and lasts for at least a week.

Detoxification means that the patient receives necessary solutions through infusions, procedures and medications

In the ultra-rapid detoxification process, opioid detoxification is induced by the use of bolus injection of very high doses of opioid antagonist (naloxone) under general anesthesia or strong sedation. During UROD, the patient is under total anesthesia from 6 to 8 o'clock. The detoxification procedure is performed in intensive care, and the procedure is performed by an anesthesiologist.

Types of detoxification at our clinic

Detoxification - Treatment of addictive disorders
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Detoxification helps you reduce or alleviate symptoms

Detoxification is the first stage of treatment of addicts and represents the cleansing of the organism from toxic substances and taking care of the symptoms of abstinence crisis.

Alcohol detoxification

Taking into account that the liver is the main “laboratory” in our body, as well as a vital organ without which a person cannot live, its functioning is extremely important. Excessive alcohol consumption certainly affects the quality of liver function. The liver is responsible, among other things, for detoxifying the body, too. By detoxifying, we “help” it to process and eliminate numerous toxins and degradation products that harm our health.
is performed through infusion solutions that the patient receives daily in the treatment that is intended for the treatment of alcohol addiction. Through infusion, the patient is administered vitamin complexes, amino acids and hepatoprotectors that accelerate liver function and help the release of toxins, as well as the elimination thereof from the body.

Detoxification - Treatment of addictive disorders
Detoxification - Treatment of addictive disorders


Withdrawal is a severe condition that occurs in addicts who have abruptly stopped consuming psychoactive substances. Withdrawal is an addict’s craving for PAS that arises as a result of acquired addiction. 

The symptoms of withdrawal usually appear a few hours after stopping taking psychoactive substances. 


Withdrawal is accompanied with the following symptoms:

Abstinence is difficult for addicts to tolerate at home, so we recommend that detoxification be performed in hospital setting, precisely because withdrawal can be unbearable for the addict himself/herself, and at the same time frightening for the family itself.

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