Rapid detoxification of the body - UROD procedure

Detoxification - Treatment of addictive disorders

How does UROD (ultra rapid opioid detoxification) help a patient go through painless opioid cleansing?

Chronic opioid consumers face a great challenge when trying to overcome addiction. The physical crisis due to opioid deficiency is unpleasant and can have exhausting symptoms. The severity of these symptoms is the first and main obstacle that prevents the addict from successfully overcoming a bad habit. Opioid elimination is associated with physical symptoms such as shortness of breath, palpitations, muscle cramps, abdominal pain, tremors, fever, and gastrointestinal problems.

Symptoms of abstinence crisis and rapid detox of the body

The severity of withdrawal symptoms is the first and main obstacle that prevents an addict from successfully overcoming a bad habit on their own. However, the UROD procedure, which implies a rapid detoxification of the body, allows the addict to go through cleansing from opioids and other harmful substances in a painless manner and without any discomfort.

Physical symptoms of a withdrawal crisis include, among others:

Psychological symptoms of withdrawal crisis include, among others:

These symptoms become especially pronounced when the body, which is already used to the presence of opiates and PAS, demands a new dose. All this leads to the addict repeatedly turning to narcotics, in order to relieve all the above symptoms of the crisis.

Perfect location - Only 10 minutes from Belgrade

MedTiM Clinic is located in Novi Banovci, a beautiful place on the banks of the Danube River, located just 10 minutes from Belgrade. The proximity of the highway Belgrade – Novi Sad and a 15 minute-distance only from the airport Nikola Tesla, help you get to addiction treatment hospital quickly.

Addiction treatment via the UROD procedure and rapid detoxification

Addiction treatment via the UROD procedure, as a rapid detoxification, is a more effective and better solution than an outpatient opiate addiction treatment program. Substitution therapy used in these programs (methadone, subutex…) is not highly effective, especially in the so-called home detoxification. 

Substitution therapy used in such cases can itself be addictive, without completely preventing the painful sensations associated with withdrawal. In such cases, the patient can quickly develop a dependence on methadone or return to the starting substance (heroin), if they cannot cope with the challenges of opiate withdrawal (abstinence). 

Standard detoxification programs that do not include UROD (Ultra Rapid Opioid Detox) procedures in rehabilitation clinics provide better results, but are still imperfect. Usually, such treatments help overcome physical crises due to opiates, but do not alleviate all the painful manifestations associated with it. This forces addicts to look for other options to overcome their addiction.

UROD procedure

How to remove toxins from the body?
UROD is the solution!

One of the most common questions we get at the clinic is “how to remove toxins from the addict’s body”? The UROD procedure, as an ultra rapid detoxification of the body from opiates, is the optimal solution for expelling toxins.

UROD is indicated for addiction associated with the use of opioids. It is a painless, safe and accelerated detoxification method that clears opioid receptors and normalizes the level of brain transmitters. General anesthesia is used to help the patient undergo the detoxification procedure without discomfort or pain.

UROD procedure

How long does the detoxification of the body with the UROD procedure last?

The UROD procedure lasts 8 hours and during that time the patient is under the constant supervision of an anesthesiologist. The point of the process is to clean the opioid receptors from opioid substances with the help of Naloxone, under the protection of general anesthesia. Therefore, the UROD procedure practically represents a detoxification of the body in one day.

The opioid antagonist produced by Naloxone has better affinities for opioid receptors than any opiate (heroin, methadone or subutex). Naloxone is administered intravenously throughout the rapid detoxification procedure in a certain dose.

Usually, before the UROD procedure is prescribed, it is necessary for the patient to undergo a series of diagnostic tests to make sure that there are no contraindications. For rapid detoxification of the body, diagnostic tests include blood tests, electrocardiography and other measures aimed at the patient’s health condition. By the time you wake up, most of the unpleasant and stressful withdrawal symptoms are gone. Residual symptoms are easily alleviated with conventional medicines. Sometimes just one such procedure is enough. However, in some cases UROD may be repeated.

UROD helps prevent the risk of relapse in more than 80% of cases

After detoxification, the patient is administered anti-withdrawal drugs and vitamin support, which helps reduce the craving for the substance and restore the health of the organs affected by drug abuse. Specialists of our clinic note that the complex treatment that includes UROD helps prevent the risk of relapse in more than 80% of cases. 

However, although UROD is a fast method of deoxygenation, the full path to ending opioid addiction is never fast. The high success rate of the MedTiM clinic is also a consequence of the implementation of additional outpatient treatment that monitors the patients’ progress one year after discharge.

This helps every patient to start and maintain a drug-free life and get back on track. Of course, UROD in itself is not a magical way to break the drug addiction in a few days. Comprehensive work is also needed in all areas, which include psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy.

In addition to inpatient treatment, the hospital’s professional team also organizes consultations (open doors) for families and individuals facing the problem of addiction, depression and anxiety, and are not motivated enough for treatment or are unable to receive inpatient treatment.

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