Cocaine detoxification - Drug detoxification clinic MedTim

Cocaine Detoxification

Detoxification from cocaine is a safe way to cleanse the body of this narcotic. In other words, cocaine detoxification, i.e. detoxification from coca, is the only correct path to the final cure of addiction to this drug.

Of course, here we are talking about detoxification from cocaine under medically verified conditions under the supervision of a specialist doctor, since dry detox can be a very devastating and unpleasant experience for the addict (cocaine withdrawal crisis, which will be discussed later).

Cocaine is an extremely strong stimulant drug that gives a person a false impression of greater superiority, self-confidence, security, intelligence and self-assurance. A person on cocaine, colloquially speaking, thinks that they are invincible and that there is nothing that can stop them from achieving their goals. As a powerful psychoactive substance, cocaine is addictive in a very short time, since it has an extremely high addictive potential.

What's more, you can become addicted to cocaine even after taking just one dose!

This problematic drug can often be found at parties or other social gatherings that are a “great occasion” to use cocaine for the first time. After just one use, cocaine causes such strong effects that the person feels an irresistible urge to experience those feelings again.

This pattern of behavior surely and inevitably leads to the disease of cocaine addiction, which has devastating consequences for them, as well as the life and health of their family. If they try to suddenly “get off” cocaine on his or her own, the person will experience very unpleasant symptoms of an abstinence crisis, during which they will certainly be tempted to use cocaine again.

That’s why professional help when it comes to detoxing from cocaine is crucial in overcoming all the negative effects of the cocaine crisis.

Why is cocaine detoxification important?

Detoxification from cocaine is a very important process of cleaning the body of an addict from traces of this harmful substance. Without cocaine detoxification, the risk of relapse is extremely high. To know why coca detoxification is important, as well as how to detox from cocaine, let’s first look at some important facts about this drug.

Cocaine is a powerful addictive stimulant that directly affects the brain and central nervous system, causing a surge of energy and euphoria. It is made from the leaves of the coca plant (Erythroxylon coca, also known as coca scrub), originating from South America. Cocaine was considered a drug of the 80s and 90s of the last century, due to its great popularity and frequency of consumption during this period. However, cocaine is not a modern drug. The pure chemical substance, cocaine hydrochloride, has been abused for more than 100 years, while coca leaves, as the source of this drug, have been eaten for thousands of years.

As a street drug, cocaine appears as a fine, white crystalline powder that dissolves in water and has a bitter taste. In addition to powder form, cocaine can also be found in stone or paste form.

Street dealers often mix cocaine with other substances such as corn-starch, talc or flour in order to increase their sales. It can also be mixed with other drugs, such as amphetamines or synthetic opiates, including fentanyl. Although the vast majority of people are aware that cocaine is an extremely addictive drug, unfortunately, the number of cocaine addicts is increasing. Also, statistics showed that the number of cases of overdose with this narcotic has also increased.

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Detoxification from coca and ways of consuming cocaine

When it comes to coca detoxification, coca addicts and their families are often faced with the following dilemmas – how long does it take to detox from coca? The question arises – how long does cocaine withdrawal last?

In principle, the answers to these questions depend on a number of factors (the duration of cocaine abuse, the amount of doses taken, how often the person took cocaine, whether they mixed it with other substances, etc.).

Also, in order to arrive at an answer to the question of how long it takes to detox from cocaine, one should take into account the way in which the person took this psychoactive substance. Cocaine can be abused in three ways:

By snorting,

i.e. inhaling through the nose, when cocaine enters the bloodstream through the nasal mucosa. Often a person uses cocaine by rubbing it on their gums;

By injection,

i.e. via injection, when cocaine directly enters a person's bloodstream;

By smoking,

i.e. breathing into the lungs, when cocaine reaches the bloodstream very quickly. In this case, the person smokes cocaine that has been processed to make rock crystal (free cocaine). This crystal is then heated which causes a vapor to be created which is then inhaled. This solid and crystalline form of cocaine is called crack cocaine, named after the crackling sound it makes as it heats up.

Cocaine detoxification - Drug detoxification clinic MedTim

Cocaine addicts, in most cases, take this drug several times in a short period of time and in increasing doses, in order to maintain the feeling of euphoria. In this way, cocaine tolerance and cocaine addiction develop. The only way to put an end to this destructive pattern of behavior is the treatment of cocaine addiction, which includes mandatory cocaine detoxification (disintossicarsi cocaina).

Cocaine detoxification removes the harmful effects

One of the main reasons why cocaine detoxification, carried out in clinical-hospital conditions, is an important procedure, consists in removing the negative effects caused by this drug. Only a cocaine detoxification center, such as MedTiM, is a specialized institution where it is possible to safely and painlessly cleanse the body of cocaine and remove the consequences of this psychoactive substance.

People consume cocaine because of the euphoric feeling that this narcotic causes. However, chronic, continuous and compulsive abuse of cocaine inevitably leads to addiction, which has devastating consequences. The effects of cocaine can be short-term and long-term.

Short-term (acute) adverse effects of cocaine

The short-term consequences of cocaine appear immediately after using this drug. Most often they last a few minutes, but there have been cases when these effects lasted for hours.

On the one hand, the short-term effects of cocaine include euphoria, a feeling of alertness, talkativeness, reduced desire to sleep, increased sensitivity to external stimuli, such as sound, increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, increased body temperature, dilated pupils, and the like.

On the other hand, the negative acute effects of cocaine abuse imply:

Long-term (chronic) harmful effects of cocaine

When an addict abuses cocaine for a long period of time, in increasing doses and through more frequent time intervals, there are long-term negative consequences of cocaine that manifest on all organ systems.

Cocaine addict in abstinence and cocaine abstinence crisis

We often get the following questions – how does a cocaine addict behave in abstinence? How long does it take to detox from cocaine? How to detox from cocaine? The answers to these questions are not simple, nor uniform, since they depend on numerous factors. Some of those factors are:

Namely, when an addict uses cocaine for a long time, chronically and continuously, then their body gets used to this psychoactive substance. The person’s body has now adjusted its physiological functions in accordance with the presence of cocaine in their organism and adapted to the new, artificial homeostasis caused by this narcotic.

This means that a person now needs higher doses at more frequent intervals in order to achieve the desired effect.

However, when a person abruptly and suddenly stops taking cocaine, then a cocaine withdrawal crisis occurs. A cocaine addict in abstinence, unlike addicts of other narcotics and psychoactive substances, then feels more psychological signs of an abstinence crisis. In other words, cocaine withdrawal and cocaine detoxification mostly cause psychological symptoms rather than physical ones.

Cocaine detoxification - Drug detoxification clinic MedTim

Psychological symptoms of cocaine withdrawal crisis

There are also certain symptoms of an abstinence crisis that can be life-threatening, for which urgent medical detoxification from cocaine and the help of professionals are necessary. We are talking about the following symptoms:

Physical symptoms of cocaine withdrawal crisis

Although the psychological symptoms of a cocaine withdrawal crisis are more pronounced, this does not mean that there are no physical signs of a cocaine crisis. A cocaine addict in abstinence may experience the following physical withdrawal symptoms:

If you notice any of the above symptoms, it is very important to seek help from a professional addiction treatment facility. Often the family of the addict, and even the addict himself, ask the question – how to detox from cocaine? The only true and correct answer to this question is coca detoxification at a proper cocaine detoxification center like MedTiM.

Cocaine Detoxification - Cocaine withdrawal, how long does it last?

If you are wondering – how long does cocaine withdrawal last or how long does it take to detox from cocaine, know that there are certain stages that a cocaine addict goes through in abstinence.

Namely, taking cocaine significantly increases the level of dopamine in the brain. The result is an initial extreme feeling of euphoria. But when a person stops using cocaine, especially after a long period of regular use, they will inevitably experience what is called a “crash” phase.

During this phase, it becomes impossible for a person to feel any pleasure. In this phase, there is increased anxiety, sleepiness, periods of irritability, a strong desire for cocaine, and even paranoia. Depression and suicidal thoughts are also common at this stage.

Therefore, if you want to know how long cocaine withdrawal lasts, you should keep in mind the 3 main stages that occur in cocaine withdrawal


This phase, as we have already pointed out, occurs after the sudden cessation of cocaine use. It can last from one to several days. In this stage, the person usually shows relatively strong feelings of depression and anxiety, as well as an inability to feel pleasure. The addict also experiences irritability, fatigue, increased need for sleep, increased appetite and strong cravings for the drug.

Some cognitive difficulties may also occur, including lack of concentration, periods of confusion, and mild memory problems. There is the potential for some physical problems, including arrhythmia and tachycardia, cardiac arrest, severe dehydration, tremors, and an increased potential for developing seizures.

Withdrawal, or abstinence, can last up to 10 weeks from the last dose taken. In this phase, there is an increased craving for cocaine, irritability, mood swings, periods of fatigue and lethargy, problems with attention and concentration.
In this phase, the person still feels a craving for cocaine, especially if exposed to certain triggers from the environment that would remind him of the previous use of this narcotic. There may be long-term problems with apathy, mood swings and irritability.

What crack cocaine is and the effects of crack cocaine withdrawal

Questions arise – what is crack cocaine? What are the consequences of quitting crack? That is, what does an abstinence crisis look like with crack cocaine?

Cocaine is essentially a hydrochloride salt in powder form, while crack cocaine is obtained by derivation from powder cocaine, combined with water or other substances (most often it is baking soda, i.e. sodium bicarbonate). After the cocaine and baking soda are combined, this mixture is boiled, resulting in a solid. When this substance cools, it is broken into smaller pieces called crack cocaine.

Incidentally, the name “crack” comes from the crackling sound that can be heard when this drug is heated and then smoked. Given that there is a high concentration of cocaine in crack, this drug is extremely addictive, that is, it has a high potential for addiction. Moreover, it is possible for a person to become addicted even after one use of crack. Crack cocaine is used by smoking it, with the addition of water or alcohol, from glass pipes with a lighter underneath. In this way, the cocaine vapor enters the lungs, after which it is very quickly absorbed into the bloodstream.

Consequences of crack withdrawal

Crack cocaine causes both psychological and physical dependence. This is why quitting crack on your own is extremely difficult, if not impossible, since the withdrawal symptoms, as with cocaine, are so unpleasant to endure that the craving for cocaine wins. Therefore, the consequences of crack withdrawal can be very difficult for the addict, which is why medical and professional detoxification from cocaine, or from crack cocaine, is needed.
Generally speaking, there are two stages to crack cocaine withdrawal:
Consequences of crack withdrawal in the acute phase
Consequences of crack withdrawal in the post-acute phase

Cocaine detoxification - How long does it take to detox from cocaine?

Families of addicts, as well as the addicts themselves, often want to know the answer to the question – how long does it take to detox from cocaine? The fact is that there is no single answer to this question, since it depends on the following factors:

Each addict reacts differently to cocaine, which means that the speed and duration of detoxification can be different.

But what is certain is that detoxification from cocaine lasts as long as it takes to cleanse the body of harmful substances, that is, as long as it takes the body to expel toxic substances. Cocain detoxification cleanses both the addict’s body and brain.

In practice, it has been shown that in the majority of cases, complete detoxification from cocaine will take no longer than ten weeks.
Cocaine withdrawal on its own never gives absolute and final results! Even if a person manages to overcome a certain period, the symptoms of withdrawal crisis do not disappear completely. In these situations, it is only a matter of time before cocaine addiction and relapse take control of the person’s life again.

That’s why cocaine detoxification in controlled medical conditions is needed! Modern medicine can, thanks to the use of pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy and appropriate medical devices, alleviate and eliminate all symptoms associated with cocaine addiction. Detoxification from cocaine in such conditions not only cleanses the body of this narcotic, but also makes the person develop an aversion to cocaine!

MedTim – Center for cocaine detoxification and treatment of cocaine addiction

MedTiM is a modern addiction treatment hospital and a unique cocaine detoxification center in Europe! Internationally awarded and recognized doctors with many years of experience in the treatment of all forms of addiction work in our clinic. Application of modern and proven treatment methods, hospital equipment according to the latest world standards and individual approach guarantee maximum care, care and healing for each patient.

Addiction treatment in our clinic is aimed at getting each patient back on the right track in life. What differentiates us from others is that as part of the treatment for cocaine addiction, they perform painless and safe detoxification from this narcotic.

Cocaine detoxification at the MedTiM clinic

There are four basic stages through which the cocaine detoxification process is carried out.
Assessment of the patient’s condition
At this stage, our medical staff, through diagnostic procedures, evaluates the patient’s health and checks for coexisting physical or psychological illnesses. This is extremely important to do in a cocaine detox center, as it will allow us to provide more effective and comprehensive treatment.
Stabilization of the patient’s condition

In this phase, we treat and manage the symptoms of the cocaine crisis that the patient is going through. This is the most important, essential and at the same time the most demanding phase of detoxification. As part of the detoxification procedure to cleanse the body of cocaine, appropriate pharmacotherapy is applied in order to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of an abstinence crisis.

After detoxification from cocaine and the end of treatment, every patient who has undergone addiction treatment procedures receives a liquid implant – Vanoxerin (a drug blocker). The effect of the injection lasts for 30 days, after which the patient should receive the same dose again for the next 30 days. We recommend taking this drug blocker for the next year, as it is an excellent mental block against possible psychological crises that can lead to relapse.

In addition to blockers, the patient is prescribed appropriate pharmacotherapy and recommended to continue psychotherapy.

Guiding the patient through treatment
Even when the physical detox from cocaine is complete, it does not mean that the healing journey is over, as recovery is an on-going process. After detoxification, appropriate psychological sessions (group therapy, systemic-family therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy) follow, so that the patient is mentally prepared for a new life without cocaine.
Outpatient treatment of the patient

After the inpatient treatment in the hospital, the outpatient treatment phase follows. This phase involves coming to our cocaine detoxification center once a month for check-ups, renewing the depot injection, talking with a psychiatrist to correct or reduce pharmacotherapy and evaluate the previous period.

Cocaine addiction is a serious disease, and fighting it on your own is a terrible thing. MedTiM, by curing thousands of patients around the world, has shown that cocaine detoxification and recovery from this scourge is entirely possible and feasible. We managed to get even the most complicated addicts on the right track – we’ll certainly get you there too.

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