Therapists participate in the work with patients, and plan and conduct occupational therapy in accordance with the patient’s psychological status.
The work is organized in groups and/or individually, depending on the patient’s interests, wishes and possibilities.
A psychologist and a special pedagogue together with an occupational therapist conduct an interview with the patient based on which they organize or give recommendations for daily activities.
Occupational therapy in MedTiM hospital is conducted in special premises, in the afternoon, when patients have completed the medical part of the treatment – medical procedures, testing, psychotherapy and education.
Occupational therapy is not an obligatory part of treatment in the treatment for addiction, but it is recommended because free time is spent in a quality way.
It is divided into sports activities, manual activities, relaxation techniques as a link in the chain of the therapeutic process (autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation) and psychosocial skills. In the dining room and living room there is table football, darts, Sony Play station and various board games.
Stable patients who are physically and mentally adequate, and subject to agreement with the doctor and under the supervision of security staff, take one-day and pre-arranged trips.
The occupational therapist, together with the patients, organizes the therapeutic community. The task of the therapeutic community is to involve the patient in the treatment itself, to teach them to take responsibility. We work on psychosocial skills and components that include the ability to socially interact and emotionally process, adopt new values and interests, prepare for new roles, develop interpersonal skills, self-expression, learn how to respond to difficulties and changes in life, organize time and self-control.
During the treatment, the occupational therapist monitors the interests of each patient, directs them and records progress in cognitive functions at the beginning of treatment and near the end of treatment, which is one of the indicators of how the patient responded to all medical treatments and procedures during hospital treatment.
World recognized treatment methods will make you free from this bad habit.
With a high percentage of success, we dissuade patients from using this narcotic.
Thanks to innovative treatment methods, heroin will become your past.
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