

Psychotherapy helps the patient to cope with problems and continue a normal life

PSYCHOTHERAPY represents a process of change that takes place through dialogue between the client/patient and the therapist. The goal of psychotherapy is to understand the causes of the problem and to acquire skills to solve the problem.

After the psychodiagnostics is done, once the psychotherapist has the psychological profile of the patient, the psychotherapeutic process is carried out through an individual approach.

Psychotherapy is an important treatment for addictive disorders such as drug addiction, gambling, alcohol, tablet addiction

The psychotherapeutic process with addicts is aimed at changing attitudes and habits that led them to addiction, breaking down addictive mechanisms through learning how to understand, accept and manage their thoughts, feelings, and ultimately actions. The goal of psychotherapy with addicts is aimed at treating mental addiction, which is the main cause of relapse in gambling, cocaine and marijuana addicts.

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Psychotherapy helps with resocialization and reintegration of patients

In addition to pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy is a very important link in the chain of treatment for addictive disorders. After the psychodiagnostics, once the psychotherapist has the psychological profile of the patient, he/she conducts a psychotherapeutic process through an individual approach.

The psychotherapeutic process with addicts is aimed at changing the attitudes and habits that led them to addiction, breaking down addictive mechanisms through learning how to understand, accept and manage their thoughts, feelings, and ultimately actions. The goal of psychotherapy with addicts is aimed at treating mental addiction, which is the main cause of relapse in gambling, cocaine and marijuana addicts.


The purpose of group therapy is to provide motivation to the patient by the group leader or therapist and to exchange opinions and views on the problem in order to find a solution. Through group work we give the necessary support and understanding to each individual in the group. The interaction between the therapist and the patient encourages progress in functioning not only through professional intervention, but also through the feedback that the patient gives to the group. Often, the patients themselves impose the topic, according to current interests and needs.

Group therapy


Systemic family therapy is based on the fact that the family is a unique social system that has its own structure and its own patterns of communication.

Patterns are determined by multiple factors, and these are mainly parental beliefs and values, personalities of all family members, influences of extended family members (grandparents, relatives).
Each family is interactive, it develops in a unique way and each change in one family member affects the entire family structure as well as each member individually.


Cognitive behavioral therapy is a therapy that enables the client to independently solve emotional problems and overcome blockages, with its structured therapeutic approach. 

A CBT therapist has a large number of cognitive, emotional, behavioral procedures and techniques, and the therapy itself has stages that change during the psychotherapeutic process. In the first stage, cognitive techniques are used, in the second one a combination of cognitive and emotional, and in the third stage behavioral procedures are added.

Psychotherapy assisted with medications

A psychological procedure that has a different approach in the treatment for addiction. This procedure integrates innovative medical treatment with nutritional support and drug-based psychotherapy. 

It is performed in a hospital setting and is a combination of psychotherapy with an intravenous infusion of TRANSMEDIATORS, which increases the potential of psychotherapy. Often, medical treatment alone is not enough to treat addiction. The same can be said for psychotherapy and rehabilitation after treatment.

This procedure is an integrated treatment program that has a medical basis. It is aimed at correcting harmful biochemical processes in the brain, which occur due to the negative effects caused by psychoactive substances.

Psychotherapy assisted with medications is performed in a hospital setting, after which the prescribed therapy and supplements are used in the period to follow, with simultaneous professional counseling.

The program is designed to help relieve cravings, restore nutritional balance, improve mental clarity and initiate counseling.


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